In the United States, most hospital circumcisions are done to the Bris Periah standard of removing every ounce of foreskin and, in a large percentage of cases, some shaft skin.Īlthough several of the items in this list are not restorable, there are many significant gains to be realized by restoring one’s foreskin. It should be pointed out that circumcisions performed in North America may be more severe than those done elsewhere.
The information contained in this list may be upsetting to some, but we feel it is important and necessary for those considering restoration to understand as fully as possible the anatomy/biology/neurology of what has been removed and/or destroyed. Included are notes on whether these losses can or cannot be amended by foreskin restoration.
This list enumerates everything currently known to be lost when one is circumcised. The truth is that circumcision removes several critical components of male sexual anatomy. Many people think circumcision removes nothing more than a little extra skin.